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agroecology, agronomy, applied ecology, bio based fertilizer, bioag, biopesticide, biotechnology, Dr. Faust, Dr. Robert Faust, entomology, foliar fertilizers, fulvic acid, humates, humic acid, ipm, large scale production, Organic Soil, pest management, sustainable -

In this episode, we interview Dr. Robert Faust, President of Bioag.  Robert Faust attended the University of Delaware College of agriculture. His major was entomology and applied ecology.  Later he received a B.S degree from the University of the State of N.Y, an accredited university in Albany, N.Y. His Masters of Science is in Agronomy where his thesis was field research on the use of ecological and organic methods for crop production and the use of humates and bio-based fertilizers in large-scale production in Idaho. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia Pacific University. Dr. Faust lived in California for many years...

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