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Episode 71: Discovering the "why" in how plants grow with Don Marshall
Don Marshall has dedicated his life to teaching students about how plants grow and bridging the gap between botany and practical horticultural applications. Don is the founder of the Environmental Horticulture program at Lake Washington College, where he taught for over 40 years. In addition to teaching, Don is a Certified Professional Horticulturalist, ecoPro, and Certified Arborist. He owns and operates Plant Designs, a landscape design, installation and maintenance firm specializing in organic fine gardening. Don co-authored Home Landscaping, Northwest Region published by Creative Homeowner, now in its 4th printing.
Episode 27: The Role of Lighting in Plant Growth with Fluence Bioengineering with Travis Williams & Travis Higginbotham
Our guests this week are Travis Williams and Travis Higginbotham. Travis Williams has spent the last decade in the high-tech industry focusing on better forms of efficiency, sustainability, and productivity via clean-energy, embedded technology, and most recently, controlled environment agriculture. He joined Fluence (then BML Horticulture) in 2015 and has helped shape the company’s product lineup, research, customer service, and overall brand to help growers navigate the challenging and complex world of horticulture lighting to realize improvements in crop production, sustainability, and profits through LED technology. Travis Higginbotham is the new director of Cultivation Support for Fluence. Prior to...
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- aaron crozier
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- advancements cannabis
- aerated tea
- agricultural biochar
- agricultural services
- agriculture
- agroecology
- agronomy
- agsil
- Anderson Porter Design
- andrew black
- anne bikle
- aphid control
- apogee
- applied ecology
- arsenic
- auto flowers
- bacterial tea
- Ben Hartman
- ben higgins
- beneficial insect
- beneficial insectary
- beneficial insects
- beneficials
- bill mckibben
- bio based fertilizer
- bioag
- biobee
- biochar
- biochar testing
- biocontrols
- biological control
- biological controls
- biological horticulture
- biologist
- biopesticide
- bios
- bios lighting
- biotechnology
- bioworks
- bioworks inc
- black owl biochar
- Black Swallow
- blue fox agricultural services
- blue fox farms
- blumat
- blumats
- botany
- botrytis
- Brian Anderson
- brix testing
- brother davids
- bruce bugbee
- bug lady
- buglady
- buglady consulting
- canada
- cannabinoids
- cannabis
- cannabis and opiods
- cannabis aphid
- cannabis chronic pain
- cannabis competition
- cannabis compliance
- cannabis consultant
- cannabis consulting
- Cannabis Cultivation
- cannabis dna testing
- cannabis extraction
- Cannabis facility design
- cannabis fertilization
- cannabis genetic research
- cannabis growing
- cannabis growing media
- cannabis horticulture
- cannabis irrigation
- cannabis lighting
- cannabis marketing
- cannabis pest control
- cannabis pest management
- cannabis pests
- cannabis plant breeding
- cannabis production
- cannabis propagation
- cannabis regulation
- cannabis research
- cannabis science
- cannabis testing
- cannabis viruses
- cannador
- cari peters
- casey schoenberger
- certified crop advisor
- certified kind
- certified organic
- chemical nutrients
- Chris Hayes
- chris jagger
- chris trump
- clackamas coot
- clackamas coot sst
- clean energy
- climate change
- clonex
- cloning
- coco coir
- colin bell
- commercial
- commercial cannabis
- commercial greenhouse
- commercial growing
- Commercial Production
- compost
- compost tea
- consistant cannabis
- consistent cannabis
- consultation
- consulting
- container cannabis
- Container gardening
- container growing
- container watering
- contamination
- controlled environment agriculture
- controlled environments
- Coot
- coot mix
- coot's soil mix
- cornell
- cover crops
- crop and soil
- crop pests
- crop protection
- cultivating cannabis
- cultivation
- cultivation classic
- damian koch
- david bronner
- david montgomery
- David Perron
- deficiencies in cannabis
- Delmon Marshall
- department of agriculture
- deron caplan
- dig 2 grow
- dirt the erosion of civilizations
- doa
- dope history
- dr adie rae
- dr allison justice
- dr bronner
- Dr Chris Hayes
- dr eleanor kuntz
- dr greenhouse
- dr jp michaud
- dr nadia sabeh
- dr rebecca knight
- Dr. Faust
- Dr. Greenhouse
- Dr. Robert Faust
- dramm
- drammatic
- drammatic fish hydrolysate
- dripping rates
- dynomyco
- ecological systems
- endomycorrhizae
- entomologist
- entomology
- enviornmental horticulture
- environmental controls
- environmental health
- environmental horticulture
- environmental planning
- environmental science
- etomologist
- farma
- farming
- fertilizer
- fertilizer in cannabis
- fertilizer policy
- field biology
- field research
- fish fertilizer
- fish hydrolysate
- fizz test
- Flint Unity Farming Project
- flowr
- Fluence
- fluence lighting
- foliar fertilizers
- fulvic acid
- functional gardens
- fungal diseases
- fungal tea
- fungus knats
- fusarium
- Gardening
- Gardening West of the Cascades
- gender id
- genentic testing cannabis
- genetic drift
- genetic drift in cannabis
- genetic testing cannabis
- genetics
- genkit
- geologist
- geomorphology
- giant pumpkin
- gold leaf gardens
- goldleaf gardens
- green industry
- greenhouse cannabis
- greenhouse hvac
- greenhouse pest control
- grennhouse cannabis
- grow room
- grow room technology
- growentia
- growing a revolution
- growing cannabis
- happy little farm
- healthy plants
- heavy metals
- hemp
- hemp cultivation
- hemp science
- hlvd
- Hop latent viroid
- hop latent virus
- hops latent viroid
- horticulture
- how to grow cannabis
- How to use myco
- hubners nursery
- humates
- humic acid
- hvac
- hvac systems
- increase plant yield
- increased yield
- indoor cannabis
- indoor garden lighting
- indoor growing
- industrial hemp
- insect ecology
- insect frass
- insect management
- insectaries
- insects
- integrated pest management
- ipm
- ipm strategies
- irrigation
- irrigation systems
- isopods
- jack's
- jaya palmer
- jeff lowenfels
- jeremy plumb
- Jessi Bloom
- Jim Bennett
- jim eagan
- john sanderson
- john z
- justin magill
- kaizen consulting
- kelly vance
- kis biochar soil
- KIS Organics
- korean natural farming
- Kris Borgman
- kurt becker
- lady beatles
- ladybugs
- landscape architecture
- large scale cultivation
- large scale growing
- large scale production
- leaf works
- leafworks
- lean cannabis
- lean farming
- led
- LED cannabis
- LED horticulture lighting
- LED lighting
- LED lighting cannabis
- legacy research institute
- legit cannabis north
- legit farm north
- lighting
- lighting technology
- living soil
- living soil cannabis
- living soils
- living soils symposium
- logan labs
- macadamia nuts
- macarther fellow
- magnesium
- malted barley
- Mammoth P
- matt haynes
- mealworm
- medical cannabis
- medicinal marijuana
- michael bowman
- micraculture
- Microbe Man
- Microbe Organics
- microbes
- microbes plant growth
- microbial biostimulants
- microbial inoculant
- microbial mediation
- microbiology
- microbulator
- micropropagation
- microscopy
- Miicrobial Mass
- mineral balancing
- mineral mix
- minerals
- mircobes in soil
- mr hemp
- mulch
- mycelium
- Myco
- mycorrhiza
- mycorrhizae
- mycorrhizal fungi
- mycorrhizal inoculants
- nadia
- nate gibbs
- national hemp association
- natural biocontrol
- natural farming
- natural farming hawaii
- neem
- Nelson Lindsley
- nematodes
- no till
- Nutrient Density
- open cannabis project
- Organic
- organic cannabis
- organic certification
- organic gardening
- Organic Soil
- organic vegetables
- organics vs chemical nutrients
- ornamental entomologist
- ozone disinfectant
- pain management
- pathogens
- paul cockson
- peat moss
- peoples herbarium
- Permiculture
- pest management
- pesticides
- pesticides in fertilizer
- PGRs
- phosphorus
- photobiology
- photoperiodic lighting
- plant a row for beans
- plant a row the the hungry
- plant breeding
- plant growth hormones
- plant growth regulators
- plant health
- plant probiotics
- plant revolution
- Plants
- Podcast
- Poetry of Plants
- poor growth
- pots vs beds
- potting soil
- powdery mildew
- Practical Permiculture
- predatory insects
- product testing cannabis
- propagation
- pruf cultivar
- pythium
- quality cannabis
- R&D cannabis
- reamendment
- regenerative farming
- reggie gaudino
- regnerative methods
- renel anderson
- research
- ro water
- ron wallace
- Ron Wallace Myco
- ronald valentin
- root girdling
- sap analysis
- sarah pellkofer
- scouting cannabis pests
- seaweed
- sex id
- sex id kits
- shango los
- shaping fire
- shaping fire podcast
- shoot weight
- Si
- Silica
- Silicon
- Silicone
- smart cannabis
- soil
- soil amendment
- soil biodiversity
- soil biology
- soil fertility
- Soil Food Web
- soil health
- Soil Mix
- soil organisms
- Soil Remineralization
- soil restoration
- soil savvy
- soil science
- soil test
- soil test analysis
- soil testing
- soil testing analysis
- Solomon mix
- spider mites
- sprayer
- steep hill labs
- steep hills labs
- Steve Solomon
- steve troy
- sun and earth certification
- sunny summers
- Super soil
- super soils
- sustainability
- sustainable
- Sustainable Cannabis
- sustainable farming
- sustainable growing
- suzanne wainwright evans
- suzanne wainwright-evans
- teaming with fungi
- teaming with microbes
- teaming with nutrients
- terpene
- the cultivation classic
- The Green Organic Dutchman
- the hidden half of nature
- The Intelligent Gardener
- the lean farm
- Tim Wilson
- tissue culture
- tissue testing
- topography
- trace minerals
- transplant shock
- travis higginbotham
- travis williams
- trichoderma
- Urban Farming
- vermicompost
- vermicomposting
- vertical farming
- vimea
- virus
- virus testing
- viruses
- wallace wow
- water
- watering
- watershed restoration
- whistler medical marijuana corporation
- William Evans
- wilson-poe
- wollastonite
- work efficiency
- worm bins
- WOW Pumpkin Pro