Podcast 10: Practical Advice for Increasing Yield with Nelson Lindsley
Our guest today is Nelson Lindsley, of Poetry of Plants. You can check him out on Instagram under “poetryofplants” Nelson has been cultivating cannabis for over a decade and working in the industry for over two decades. An artist by heart and an innovator by trade, he has worked with the majority of leading grow room technology and techniques that are available on the current market and studied their application for efficient large scale cultivation. Over the last three years he has consulted on cultivation sites in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Pennsylvania and California. Currently, he is building a research and development facility for the design of cultivar specific study and working with several of the leading LED horticultural lighting companies on implementing technology in controlled environments before the products come to market.
Podcast Notes and Links:
Agsil 16H - Make your own potassium silicate
Excellent article on benefits of Silicon
Vapor Pressure Deficit