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To download the .pdf click here   Plant growth comparison of Cannabis sativa when grown in isolated containers versus communal bed systems.    Dr. Ben Higgins and Tad Hussey 16 June, 2019   Introduction The decision that all farms are faced with in choosing which containers (if any) to use for their crop(s) has both biological and financial implications. Not surprisingly, these implications are not mutually exclusive, as the type of containers used (e.g., hydroponics, potted soil, raised beds, ground-planted, etc.) inherently will express differences in ecosystem biodiversity. Furthermore, this decision as to which type of growing method used (e.g.,...

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The Top 5 Mistakes Growers Make You name it, and I’ve probably done it. I’ve killed a lot of plants in my lifetime, but each one has taught me a powerful lesson and improved my gardening. You can learn a lot from your mistakes, but below is a list of most common mistakes I see in being made by growers.  1. Letting the Soil Dry Out I've definitely heard this in the past. That it's best to let the plant experience wet/dry cycles and you want to let the pot dry out before you water again. With organic soils, it is...

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