WOW Mycorrhiza is a great mycorrhiza product alternative due to it having an excellent spore count at an affordable price.
Mycorrhiza also releases a glue-like substance into the soil (Glomalin) which improves water storage and capacity, leading to lower watering costs. Although ideal for use on all plants, mycorrhizae is especially beneficial toward: Tomatoes, Herbs (Thyme, Basil, Sage, ect), Pumpkins, Beans, Bulbs (all), Squash, Cantaloupe, Carrot, Celery, Corn, Cucumber, Garlic, Leek, Lettuce, Melon, Onion, Peas, Potato, Strawberry, and Grape Varietals.
Mycorrhizal fungi are ancient in origin and the benefits are boundless. Pound for pound mycorrhiza provides plants with the greatest possible benefit for the smallest amount of input. With a single inoculation, mycorrhiza is capable of transforming the ordinary garden into a WOW garden! Grow Like A Champion With WOW!
In 2015 12 of the top 15 pumpkins grown in the world used WOW Pumpkin Pro, including Ron Wallace's new North American record 2230.5 pounds!
Mykos Strain: Glomus Intraradices (300 spores/gram).
Transplants and Rooted Cuttings:
Place into the planting hole or in close proximity to the newly developing roots.
Potting Soil and Soil Amendments:
Mix thoroughly into the medium assuring that an abundant amount is present in the root zone.
Broadcast and incorporate by tilling or hand mixing into the soil with the seed.
Application Rates:
Seed Starting- Mix 6oz per 1.5 cu ft of seed starter.
Cover Crops- Broadcast and till at 3 lbs. per 750 sq ft.
New Plantings- Mix approximately ½ cup into planting hole.
Vine Burying- Mix approximately 2 tablespoons under each leaf stem where rooting is promoted.
Could giant pumpkins carry the secret to better crop yields?
Click here to check out the White Page discussing Mycorrhiza
Click here to read the WOW Pumpkin Pro Recent Mycorrhizal Fungal Analysis