KIS Organics


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There are few pesticide choices when it comes to organic gardening. Substances like nicotine sulfate, rotenone and pyrethrum are derived from natural sources, but can be harmful to people and beneficial insects. On the other hand, pure neem oil is used in everything from lotions & salves to shampoos & soap. NimBioSys is retail ready 100% neem oil with an EPA registered label to control a wide range of insect pests.

Until NimBioSys, you could get EPA registered neem oil formulations labeled to treat insect pests on crops, but the azadirachtin – the most important insect-controlling compound – had been removed and sold as a separate product.

Neem has been used for thousands of years in tropical countries around the world. More than 500 reports on its safety and efficacy are available through the National Institutes of Health library online at, then search for neem.

Excerpts from the EPA Report

Based on the data available to the Agency, it has been determined that no unreasonable adverse effects to the U.S. population and the environment will result from the use of the active ingredient when label instructions are followed and good agricultural practices are employed. Laboratory studies indicate that the active ingredient is not toxic following oral, inhalation or dermal exposure.

Cold Pressed Neem Oil and neem extracts are widely used in cosmetics (soap, hair products, hand creams, etc.), traditional folk medicine (acne, fevers, rheumatism, diuretics, inflammations, etc.), as an insect repellent, insecticide, nematicide, fungicide, and as a fertilizer.

There are no reports of adverse effects following human exposure to Neem Oil. Moreover, the pesticidal usage of this biochemical will not have any harmful environmental effects. Studies indicate that Cold Pressed Neem Oil will not cause adverse effects to mammals, birds, other non-target insects, or plants. Due to the negligible risk concerns when used as an insect repellent, Cold Pressed Neem Oil meets the criteria as specified in §3(c)(5) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, and is thus eligible for unconditional registration. It was determined that the data/information submitted adequately satisfy applicable data requirements at 40 C.F.R. Subpart U §158.2000.

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