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DYNOMYCO™ is a premium, high potency mychorrhizal inoculant containing only natural-occurring (non-GMO) fungi. Using high performing strains, with a concentration of 900 propagules per gram, DYNOMYCO™ mycorrhizal inoculants improve uptake of plant nutrients, minerals and water which translates to high quality, healthy and resilient plants and higher yields! *
Based on over 400 million years of evolution, natural mycorrhizal fungi are already well adapted to help 90% of all plant species, without the need for any genetic modification. DYNOMYCO™ contains unique fungal strains that develop robust beneficial symbiotic relationships with plant roots forming fungal mycelia that attach to and effectively extend root networks. These strains do not form a relationship with conifers or brassicas.
DYNOMYCO™ contains a blend that is sourced worldwide including a highly concentrated, vigorous strain of endomycorrhiza sourced from the harsh Israeli desert. These fungal strains have evolved to be true survivors able to adapt and thrive in the most difficult conditions (high salinity, pH levels, droughts, etc.) Your plants will really benefit from this enhanced capacity to cope with stress.
This product works really well with tomatoes, peppers, fruit trees and cannabis.
DYNOMYCO™ is Clean Green Certified and can be used in regenerative and sustainable or natural farming practices.
*DYNOMYCO™ mycorrhizal inoculants are tested and proven beneficial by thousands of growers around the world, with phenomenal results. Customers have demonstrated 10-45% yield increases, when compared to control groups.
Standard rate of application is 5 grams per seedling/clone and from there 5 grams of DYNOMYCO™ for every gallon of soil (1.23 grams per liter). Please see product label for more detailed instructions.
Free Shipping in Continental USA only. Does not include Alaska, American Samoa, Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Armed Forces Americas, Armed Forces Europe or Armed Forces Pacific.
Episode 2: Jeff Lowenfels Explains Mycorrhizal Fungi, Compost Teas & Soil Food Web
Episode 37: A Deeper Dive Into Mycorrhizal Fungi with Jim Eagan
Episode 77: Mycorrhizal Fungi and the Rhizosphere with Prof. Yoram Kapilnik
Understanding Mycorrhizal Fungi: What You Need To Know